A Step


    I planned my to do list on the last day of July because I did not want to face the reality in which I have so many incomplete tasks. The first task of my to do list is to read eight books within the month of August. I know it will be a very easy task for most of you guys out there. However, it was not an easy task for me, yet it was not something too tough to complete. So, that is how I landed myself to this very first book of mine entitled " The power of Six," written by Pittacus Lore. It is a continuous story book after " I am Number four".

The book I bought basically look like this.
    I recommended you guys to read this book after you had seen or watch the movie " I am number Four". The story had not ended yet and I am waiting for another book from Pittacus Lore. I recommended this book because the story line is unique. I like the way the author divide the chapters, the readers could know the whole story line from different people's perspective. However, you will face problem if you did not finish the book before it. It is worth for you guys to give it a try.It is suitable for people who like fantasy like me. If there are five stars given to me to rate it, I will give it three and half. The reason I gave it three and a half is that I do not like the romantic part of the book, it is sucks when you are waiting for another thrilling war to happen yet you are stuck in the middle of romance. Maybe it is the technique used by the author in order to slow down the rhythm a bit but I did not really pay it. That is all my feedback after reading the book. I am on my way for another. Have a pleasant day ^.^

Fantasy ME:-)

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