演唱:蘇運瑩 feat.田馥甄
踏著力氣 踩著夢
吹啊吹啊 我的驕傲放縱
任風吹 任它亂
毀不滅是我 盡頭的展望
吹啊吹啊 我赤腳不害怕
我吹啊吹啊 無所謂擾亂我
是你嗎 會給我一扇心房
是你呀 會給我一扇燈窗
吹啊吹啊 我的驕傲放縱
任風吹 任它亂
毀不滅是我 盡頭的展望
吹啊吹啊 我赤腳不害怕
吹啊吹啊 無所謂擾亂我
怎麼大風越狠 我心越蕩
踏著力氣 踩著夢
I had encountered these questions several times since I started work. Why do you work here? Why not going back to hometown to work? I think this song, "野子", literally means wild kid, can aid my explanation. This may the reason of my addiction this song. I am a life challenger, a limit tester. I am the kind of person who did not wanna stay in my comfort zone. I wanna know how tough I am. I wanna know how much stress I can handle. I wanna test my problem solving skills. Trying to take good care of myself and doing the house chore independently. I wanna start from zero. Developing relationship with new people sounds fun. Because of this, my parents worried about me a lot. My dad always grumbled about it. He complained that I should find job in hometown . Yet, I am blessed with very understandable parents. Even though they are not very happy with my decision, they still respect me. :)
My boyfriend contributes 30% of the decision I made. I had enough of long distance relationship. When we were dating, my boy friend had to travel all the way up to Penang to see me. Often, he had to forcefully dragged himself around whenever we dated. That does not mean we are staying together. In fact, we are still staying 25km far apart from each other. That was my decision as well. Wanting to have enough private moments before we step into marriage.
2 months had passed. I started to adapt to the environment. I have clearer view on my job scope. I learnt to shop groceries alone, to go for movie alone, to go for car tint alone, to window shopping alone, drive alone in KL. These are the small achievements that I made. Maybe a few years from now, I would laugh at myself from being so naive. Yet, these are the things that made the stronger you. When things did not go as what you expected, you can rest but remember to get on your foot after that. Never give up.
My boyfriend contributes 30% of the decision I made. I had enough of long distance relationship. When we were dating, my boy friend had to travel all the way up to Penang to see me. Often, he had to forcefully dragged himself around whenever we dated. That does not mean we are staying together. In fact, we are still staying 25km far apart from each other. That was my decision as well. Wanting to have enough private moments before we step into marriage.
2 months had passed. I started to adapt to the environment. I have clearer view on my job scope. I learnt to shop groceries alone, to go for movie alone, to go for car tint alone, to window shopping alone, drive alone in KL. These are the small achievements that I made. Maybe a few years from now, I would laugh at myself from being so naive. Yet, these are the things that made the stronger you. When things did not go as what you expected, you can rest but remember to get on your foot after that. Never give up.
- 15:25