My belly XD


"The belly rules the mind"--Spanish proverb.
    Flipping through recipe books continuously, losing the control of my mind, I am on my route to insanity.     I personally agree, not, I am totally agree, more precisely , I agree to the above proverb wholeheartedly. I love food but most of the time I enjoyed the progress of making it, this is because nothing is more valuable than the smiles of the persons eating them.

    The recipe of today is Cheese and Button Mushrooms bun. This is my first time making buns but the outcome is really unexpected. They taste real good, they were splendid. I use the past tense "were" because most of them are lying on my stomach bed now. Haha XD. They play their role of ruling my belly perfectly.

My Snow whites. They were sleeping beauty. How gorgeous they were. 

Wao.. Volcano eruption.. Cheesy lava everywhere.
    This is the conversation that I loved the most. It was from my family and I heard that from my mom. My mom brought some freshly steamed buns for my second brother (Brother B) who was currently studying in the afternoon session. After eating...

Brother B: I really hope that my sister won't go to study. Let her stay at home and we shall have many stuff to eat.
     My mom just smiled.
Brother B continued : It was a waste of her to get marry. The man she is going to marry to must be real         happy. 
Then, my little brother spoke. He said, " She is good in baking but I really don't know whether she is good at cooking too."

     I do like to admit that I'm not that good in cooking because of the following quote.
When baking, follow directions.  When cooking, go by your own taste.  ~Laiko Bahrs
    Still, I will be working hard on it because that is also one of the things that support my fact of being nearly perfect. However, I do like the conversation above. They are sweet, at least my brothers praised my baking. I love you, my brothers. Thank you, Lord for giving these three little lovable brothers. Amen. XD

Insane ME :-)

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