A Company


     Don't borrow someone else spectacles to view yourself with.
     That was a quote by Simon Travaglia, one of the main reason I bought this beauty. Sorry, I was bluffing and looming in my world of imagination just now. Here come the extremely serious version. I bought myself a company this morning. "Lumberjack," was his name, a cool yet adorable name. He had a really aggressive appearance. The right side of his arm even had an tattoo. Three white magnificent words, "Rugged yet stylish"stood out. That really meaned something. He was not a good boy that I could mess with. I do better be careful. He had an unique skin colour, rugged black, an unfavorable colour for most of the girl but he astonished me. Holding him for the first time, I was electrocuted. His hold was so firm and tender. My world seemed magically complete with him standing in front of my eyes. We were meant to be together. I knew instinctively he will make a good company. Come, my loving friend, let's hold hand and walked with me until the end of the world. Be my support while I am walking on the route of success.

My Lumberjack

A beautiful world awaiting for you and me.

Sincerely, ME :-) 

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