15:17"Why should he (she) treat me like this?
Why couldn't we return to our pass, when we were deeply in love?
Why couldn't he (she) keep his (her) promise?"
Unfortunately, I can't answer all the "Why? Why? Why?" questions of yours.
I'm not God. I'm not a love counselor. I'm not even him (her).
But, I want to share this piece of story to you. The story began...
A girl broke up with her boyfriends, The girl was sad, she wept every single day, every times she breathe, the ache doubled, every times she ate, the food seems to burn along her throat. She constantly hit the most painful part of her body -- her heart. Her heart was cold, miserable and lonely now. She felt like wanting to get rid of it. She couldn't sleep, she was waken up by the same old nightmare every night. The wonderful memory with her boyfriend had turned up to be the nastiest thing in the world. She couldn't understand. She couldn't accept the truth. They were so deeply in love. she was the princess in the fairy tale living happily ever after with her prince charming. Everything was so delightful but a disastrous hurricane walked by and stole all her things. Nothing was left but pain. PAIN. Still, she wanted him back.
Everyday, she prayed, wishing and hoping that the boy would return. The Benevolent GOD heard her, then He send one of His angel to go and help this pitiful young lady. When the girl was praying as usual, a stunning white light appeared, she was shocked and terrified at first, but she relaxed when the angel came and touched her head.
The angel spoke, " I will grant your wish, young lady, I will make him love you forever."
After hearing that, the girl overjoyed, "Thank you! Thank you, Angel!"
"Are you sure? Are you sure this is your final decision?" asked the angel thoughtfully.
"Why not?" the girl asked in confusion.
"I can make him love you eternally but I can't guarantee that you will love him throughout your whole life," the angel explained," I can change his heart but I can't change yours, are you sure you will love him FOREVER? "
"What if? I'm saying what if.... What if I don't love him anymore?" the girl asked with her trembled voice.
"He will continually to love you, my dear, he will love you FOREVER, " the angel paused, the girl looked down, " And you will suffer FOREVER.
The girl stoned. Silently, the angel left the room, leaving the girl. The girl sat on the floor with her head down, thinking the question over and over again.
The end.
If you were the girl in this piece of story, will you have the confidence to love him FOREVER? The girl inside this story clearly knew the fact that human will change, the feeling towards someone will also change.
Often, we heard the line below,"I cannot live without him (her). I was nothing without him (her). She was my heroic, my drug, I can't stop myself being addictive." At first, we will find that romantic, they are honey or sweets in a relationship but they are also the knives and the arrows that poked into your heart. They can bring magnificent effect towards human being when a relationship failed to sustain. What I'm going to tell you is that, changes do happened, time is the most important factor in most of the changes. When the time passed, the pain and all your feeling will numbed and faded. Then, we will finally realized that he or she was not that important after all. He or she was just a passerby in my life, they are nothing. Think this over again, you have been living a happy life before he or she appeared and interrupted into your life, you can also live a happy life without him.
A piece of advice to all couples, that is, not to believe fully all the promises that he or she had made, this is because he or she may changed. Ironically speaking, even the word " BELIEVE" has an " LIE" in it.
Sincerely ME :-)
Hey the love that fades and fails to sustain is known as puppy love, or more appropriately it's the love that lacks of responsibility. The love that lasts and persists is known as true love. I believe... Okay, use trust instead of believe, I trust that your parents love each others so much. So ponder on the previous sentence, something to learn from that. Be optimistic and have faith that TRUE LOVE actually exists. Just from the most handsome love counselor. ;D